
Duct Tape.

There is an evil twin that lives inside me.
One day he decided to duct tape my mouth shut.
But only I know this.
Everyone hears me talk, but they don't see the wall.
But secretly, I'm screaming for someone to rip off the duct tape.
I don't care how hard.
I just want to be free.
I'm like a machine. Capable of work, capable of activity, but not capable of full sincerity.
I am a trustworthy person.
Just not to myself.
I have been scorned and abused by this evil twin long enough.
I've surrendered for the time being. There is no point in fighting a lost cause.
It is a putrid thought however...thinking of the high he gets off of my pain.
The worse thing is that everyone is on his side...for the most part.
The duct tape runs wildly.
I'm too frightened to see the consequences...too frightened at the loss I would experience.
I know that there is someone, somewhere out there, rooting for me to break free...but I can't do it.
Not now.
I'm just a boy. Almost twenty...but just a boy.
But then I look at the specimens that tore themselves free of the duct tape...
And they seem to be doing famously.
After all, truth is the key to happiness.

1 comment:

Erica said...


And it's "duct" tape ;)

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