Today (Thursday the 23rd) is William Shakespeare's birthday. THE Bard. THE William Shakespeare. The guy who wrote all of those magnificent and not so magnificent plays. As an actor I am obliged to celebrate his birthday. And celebrate I shall. I will begin the day with an early morning run through the prairies. Those runs...more like speed-walks (because of my bad knee) are so therapeutic for me. My mother always asks if she can come along and I don't want to seem rude but exercise is something I do by myself. It is more than exercise though. It is a time for me and the just be. To ponder my life. To ponder where I am going. I just blast my iPod and pray sometimes. Sometimes even out loud. My runs are now becoming a daily occurrence..usually three plus miles long. It gets me out into the fresh air and is the perfect way to begin the day. Then this evening, if all goes as planned, I will be watching "This American Life" in theaters with my good friend, Ruth. I don't know if you all listen to the show on the radio...but it makes me cry almost every time I listen to it. It is inspirational and motivational...and based in Chicago. So I can only imagine what it will be like on the big screen! I am sure we will be amongst many peace loving people, teachers and sex starved housewives. At least I can only hope so. We could be the only people in the damn theatre. Either way, I am kind of in the mood for some thinking and heartfelt stories. Bring it on!
There are a lot of things I have to take care of for the summer and fall. Waiting for school is annoying but I won't have to worry about deciding until I find out what schools accept me. Jobs however are consuming my nerves. If I don't get a summer job I will not only be broke but I will be a broken man. I will not be able to do what I want to do in the fall if I don't get a job. I am super close to two jobs. However, one place is not calling me back and the other still isn't sure if they are going to hire an additional individual for summer employment. Until I secure a summer job I will be restless. I am tired of my parents looking at me like I am some loser. I am tired of feeling like a loser. I am ready to get this ball rolling. I am so ready. On the other hand I have realized how much I complain about being home (which to an extent is accurately frustrating me). However I have realized what a comfort it is to know that I go to sleep with my brothers and mother and father. I know where they are. If something happens I am here. And for that I am grateful. Well I don't know where this blog drifted to but HAPPY BIRTHDAY BILL! Hope your birthday is bamfalicious and better than Sasha/Malia's combined....and Sasha Fierces'!

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