I love Lily Allen. She has her problems...but looks like a saint comared to Le Lohan. Oh Lohan. I feel so sorry for you. I guess you are acting as your publicist as well because you made a fool of yourself at the Los Angeles Lily Allen concert. Watch all of the video. Lindsay stumbles onto the stage several minutes before the video ends. Lily plays it off cool...but you know she is embarrassed and doesn't know what to do. Way to go Lindsay...thanks for making us Americans seem that more idiotic to those Brits!
In other news...I just had the...ahem...privilege of watching the documentary "Jesus Camp". I'm not even going to dwell that much on this subject or film because I was horrified at everything I watched. I myself am a spiritual person. I go to church. But I would never think of seeing what I saw in this film. Watch this film...it will open your eyes and terrify you at the same time.

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