I randomly found a short essay I must have written in kindergarten. It was written on a cut out of a giant paper pencil: colored orange, yellow and pink. It is my perspective of my friend: the pencil. You can already to begin to see the crazy Braden inside of little Braden. A Braden who does not write to pencils but talks to them. Below is the extract, written word for word how it is written on the actual paper.

"It was the first day of school and I was getting ready for school. After that we went in the car and drove to school. When we got there, I went in my new classroom. I got my first pencil out, and I sharpened it. After I sharpened it, it came to life. It talked to me and when we were done talking it was time to do our spelling test. When we were done, my pencil said, "I'm dizzy". When we were done with the day he said, "see you tomorrow". The next day he was even meaner. He said, "good morning". Then he shot staples at me. That got me mad, so I went to the bathroom and flushed him down the toilet, and that was the end of him. Now I have a new pencil."
I love finding old papers.