I am so proud of myself...I have managed to download my old iPod's songs onto Gene Kelley (my new iPod). I did not know this was possible. But it was. So now I have access to wonderful music I listened to in junior high and Arcade Fire...and Mika. Arcade Fire makes me super happy after watching the "Where the Wild Things Are" trailer a gazillion times. GO WATCH IT IF YOU HAVEN'T! It is beauteous. I wish I was small so I could have played Max...that little prick don't deserve that role! Anyhoo...I am entitling this blog "Fabulous" because several fabulous things occurred this week. A. Saturday night was one of the best times I have had to date. It included King's cup with Root Beer, orgasmic rules and tranny names. I will leave the rest to your imagination. B. The trailer for "Where the Wild Things Are" came out last week...and I like I said, I have been watching it every time I find myself depressed or bored. It is the best cure. C. I had a dance party with myself today. I have been having a series of them in my bedroom. My neighbors probably want to shoot me, but I don't care. Honestly, they are a great cure for Mr. Crabby Pants syndrome. No inhibitions and it makes for great exercise! Not to mention my dogs look at me like I'm an alien. I LOVE IT! D. Then this evening I had some of the best chicken curry of my life at Taj Mahal. Not too spicy and not too mild. It was perfect. E. Upon this Ruth and I managed to advocate for our pal Ru...RuPaul (perhaps you have heard of her...him...her). We managed to turn Ms. Fowler onto RuPaul's Drag Race...which is extremely entertaining. I suggest it for anyone who is bored of America's Next Top Model and wants some tranny action.

But there you have it. Those are some pretty fabulous things... And the best part about it...they are all simple. Simplicity is the key to life.
1 comment:
I watched RuPaul episode 1 last night and it made me very happy!!! Also, I love dance parties all of the time!
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