So...I am supremely jealous right now. One of my good friends is visiting home this weekend. Home happens to be LOS ANGELES, California. And what weekend is this...the weekend of the flipping OSCARS! Only the highest goal of mine go to them, walk the red carpet, be nominated, what have you. So this friend of mine happens to have a brother working for the Oscars...oh it gets better. Apparently she just got asked to be a page for the Emmy's?! FYI (I hope you don't mind me sharing your story friend who will remain unnamed). Of course she is telling me this all over text while my phone is off and I am watching "Rachel Getting Married" (by the by sooooo good and very intense). And then I call her phone back and she doesn't she is probably sleeping right now. I just had to share my excitement with someone, as she is not answering. But isn't that cool?! I am so happy for her! What a dream...all I can say is that I wish I were in Los Angeles...right now. Yes, I realize this is not logical, but if i had the money I would totally buy a red eye ticket to Los Angeles. But since that is not possible, I will only imagine what it would be like to stroll on the premises of the Kodak theatre...or wherever they have the awards ceremony. Instead, I will humbly watch the Oscars on my television screen like the rest of the world...perhaps with a few friends.

A picture text (unnamed) friend sent me via phone...Look at Oscar's backside.
The Oscars. Wow. Such a bittersweet subject for me. Sweet because I hope to one day be invited to such a ceremony...and bitter because I'm not there. As Tina Fey would say, "I want to go to there". Seriously. I just joined Twitter and I am following a couple celebs (Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore are among them). And the entire day they were filling their sites with statuses of these grand parties they are hosting with Madonna. I mean it just seems so surreal to me, that these things actually happen. Tomorrow, the city of Los Angeles will be buzzing with fancy tuxes and beautiful gowns...not to mention every limousine will be rented out. The stars will make their appearances on the red carpet and awards will be given out. And post Oscar party upon post Oscar party will add to the excitement. What a life right?! Yes many actors and actresses are honored with invitations, but not all of them can attend the award show. There are many television stars that will not make an appearance and many other film actors who will not as well. Only a select few actors, actresses, directors, producers, writers etc (in this case half a thousand or more) will show up for the ceremony. Oh to be in that select V.I.P. club. The Oscars are a reminder of how much I have to work to get to there. You definitely have to do more than stroll in the park to be awarded such an opportunity. And the thing is, sometimes some of the best actors who are in television are not honored with an invitation to the Oscars because of the focus on film. It is a one of a kind awards show because it is so revered and focused the world it seems.
Now, I am NOT advocating the celebrity obsession side of the Oscars, which is really hard to avoid. I DO advocate for the Oscars in the way that they (usually) present actors with the honors they usually deserve. This year, above a lot of previous years, I feel that the talent shown in film was just breath-taking. "Rachel Getting Married" is just one of the many examples of the fierce and raw work that is being put out there. Kate Winslet, Meryl Streep, Anne Hathaway...all of these actors and more have pulled their weight this year and deserve recognition. But the downfall of such an award ceremony is the masturbatory feeling it creates. Since I was a wee little boy I remember curling up to the television set whenever the Emmy's or Oscars were on. Every year as I grew older my desire to be sitting in the television screen grew more and more intense. Although my parents would always look down upon it slightly because they felt it was blowing unnecessary steam up the actors asses. Listening to the long winded acceptance speeches, etc. I slightly agree. It does in a way. BUT, unfortunately that is what Hollywood has become. While the ceremony itself is honoring the art of acting and film, the buzz and obsession with the "stars" (thanks to the paparazzi and media) has become almost too overwhelming. They are normal people. Just like you and me. Not all of us can act, but being an aspiring actor myself, I know that all of those actors that will be sitting in that room tomorrow are there for a reason. Either from being born into stardom or knowing someone in the business or just luck--being seen by the right person, at the right time. And thus, this is why the Oscars are bittersweet to me. I have loved them since I could remember, because it reminds me of what I want to be working towards. However, as I grow older I am becoming less and less patient and just want to be able to be there right now. This is something I have to work on myself.
In other news, I just finished a video audition for an Adam McKay film "Stewie". I am always iffy with video auditions because I never quite know if the casting directors/directors actually saw the video. It is also hard because you cannot judge their impressions of the audition since you can't actually watch the video with them. Regardless, it was another audition for a feature film and it is something I can say I have done as an actor. I was asked to submit a video when I submitted a headshot and resume to the agency. A week later I was given sides and directions to video myself for the audition...and submit it in the mail or post it on YouTube. Anyway, now it is just waiting. Waiting for nothing really...because I have no idea what the next step is. The deadline is February 25th for all of the videos, so I imagine I won't hear anything either way until a bit after that. I am such an impatient person, so the whole waiting part is really emotionally straining on myself--but as I said, it is something that I am really, truly working on. But it is not like I expect to be called in or anything, of course I wish and hope that I will be, but I don't want to raise my hopes.
Anyhoo...I figured I would put my predictions out there right now for the I have done pretty well in the past with predicting accurately. Here it goes.
(First of all, I do not understand why Benjamin Button was nominated for so many freaking awards...including Brad Pitt as Best Actor...sadly, however, I think it will be a favorite of the Academy...that and Slumdog)
My mind may change tomorrow...but all I know, is that if "Curious Case" wins every award or more than a couple, I will throw things at my television set. Nighty.

A picture text (unnamed) friend sent me via phone...Look at Oscar's backside.
The Oscars. Wow. Such a bittersweet subject for me. Sweet because I hope to one day be invited to such a ceremony...and bitter because I'm not there. As Tina Fey would say, "I want to go to there". Seriously. I just joined Twitter and I am following a couple celebs (Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore are among them). And the entire day they were filling their sites with statuses of these grand parties they are hosting with Madonna. I mean it just seems so surreal to me, that these things actually happen. Tomorrow, the city of Los Angeles will be buzzing with fancy tuxes and beautiful gowns...not to mention every limousine will be rented out. The stars will make their appearances on the red carpet and awards will be given out. And post Oscar party upon post Oscar party will add to the excitement. What a life right?! Yes many actors and actresses are honored with invitations, but not all of them can attend the award show. There are many television stars that will not make an appearance and many other film actors who will not as well. Only a select few actors, actresses, directors, producers, writers etc (in this case half a thousand or more) will show up for the ceremony. Oh to be in that select V.I.P. club. The Oscars are a reminder of how much I have to work to get to there. You definitely have to do more than stroll in the park to be awarded such an opportunity. And the thing is, sometimes some of the best actors who are in television are not honored with an invitation to the Oscars because of the focus on film. It is a one of a kind awards show because it is so revered and focused the world it seems.
Now, I am NOT advocating the celebrity obsession side of the Oscars, which is really hard to avoid. I DO advocate for the Oscars in the way that they (usually) present actors with the honors they usually deserve. This year, above a lot of previous years, I feel that the talent shown in film was just breath-taking. "Rachel Getting Married" is just one of the many examples of the fierce and raw work that is being put out there. Kate Winslet, Meryl Streep, Anne Hathaway...all of these actors and more have pulled their weight this year and deserve recognition. But the downfall of such an award ceremony is the masturbatory feeling it creates. Since I was a wee little boy I remember curling up to the television set whenever the Emmy's or Oscars were on. Every year as I grew older my desire to be sitting in the television screen grew more and more intense. Although my parents would always look down upon it slightly because they felt it was blowing unnecessary steam up the actors asses. Listening to the long winded acceptance speeches, etc. I slightly agree. It does in a way. BUT, unfortunately that is what Hollywood has become. While the ceremony itself is honoring the art of acting and film, the buzz and obsession with the "stars" (thanks to the paparazzi and media) has become almost too overwhelming. They are normal people. Just like you and me. Not all of us can act, but being an aspiring actor myself, I know that all of those actors that will be sitting in that room tomorrow are there for a reason. Either from being born into stardom or knowing someone in the business or just luck--being seen by the right person, at the right time. And thus, this is why the Oscars are bittersweet to me. I have loved them since I could remember, because it reminds me of what I want to be working towards. However, as I grow older I am becoming less and less patient and just want to be able to be there right now. This is something I have to work on myself.
In other news, I just finished a video audition for an Adam McKay film "Stewie". I am always iffy with video auditions because I never quite know if the casting directors/directors actually saw the video. It is also hard because you cannot judge their impressions of the audition since you can't actually watch the video with them. Regardless, it was another audition for a feature film and it is something I can say I have done as an actor. I was asked to submit a video when I submitted a headshot and resume to the agency. A week later I was given sides and directions to video myself for the audition...and submit it in the mail or post it on YouTube. Anyway, now it is just waiting. Waiting for nothing really...because I have no idea what the next step is. The deadline is February 25th for all of the videos, so I imagine I won't hear anything either way until a bit after that. I am such an impatient person, so the whole waiting part is really emotionally straining on myself--but as I said, it is something that I am really, truly working on. But it is not like I expect to be called in or anything, of course I wish and hope that I will be, but I don't want to raise my hopes.
Anyhoo...I figured I would put my predictions out there right now for the I have done pretty well in the past with predicting accurately. Here it goes.
(First of all, I do not understand why Benjamin Button was nominated for so many freaking awards...including Brad Pitt as Best Actor...sadly, however, I think it will be a favorite of the Academy...that and Slumdog)
Best Actor: I would like to say Sean Penn for "Milk", however I think the Academy are going to go with Mickey Rourke for "The Wrestler"
Best Supporting Actor: I would like to say Michael Shannon from "Revolutionary Road" but I think they may go with Heath Ledger for "Batman"
Best Actress: I hope and pray Kate Winslet...she f-ing deserves it!
Best Supporting Actress: Viola Davis for "Doubt"
Animated Feature Film: "Wall-E"
Art Direction: "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" (ugh)
Cinematography: "Slumdog Millionaire"
Costume Design: Either "Curious Case" or "Rev Road"...maybe "Australia"
Directing: "Slumdog Millionaire"
Documentary: Can't really say...didn't see all of them.
Film Editing: "Curious Case" unfortunately...or "Slumdog"
Foreign Language: "The Class" or "Waltz with Bashir"
Make-Up: "Benjamin Button"
Music (Score):" Slumdog" or "Milk"
Music (Song): "Slumdog"
Best Picture: "Slumdog Millionaire"
other categories...lalala...
Writing Adapted: "Slumdog or Doubt"
Writing Original: "Milk"
Best Supporting Actor: I would like to say Michael Shannon from "Revolutionary Road" but I think they may go with Heath Ledger for "Batman"
Best Actress: I hope and pray Kate Winslet...she f-ing deserves it!
Best Supporting Actress: Viola Davis for "Doubt"
Animated Feature Film: "Wall-E"
Art Direction: "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" (ugh)
Cinematography: "Slumdog Millionaire"
Costume Design: Either "Curious Case" or "Rev Road"...maybe "Australia"
Directing: "Slumdog Millionaire"
Documentary: Can't really say...didn't see all of them.
Film Editing: "Curious Case" unfortunately...or "Slumdog"
Foreign Language: "The Class" or "Waltz with Bashir"
Make-Up: "Benjamin Button"
Music (Score):" Slumdog" or "Milk"
Music (Song): "Slumdog"
Best Picture: "Slumdog Millionaire"
other categories...lalala...
Writing Adapted: "Slumdog or Doubt"
Writing Original: "Milk"
My mind may change tomorrow...but all I know, is that if "Curious Case" wins every award or more than a couple, I will throw things at my television set. Nighty.
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