So everyone always asks me what my goals are as a performer. I have to ask myself the same question every day. So with the inspiration of a dear friend, I devised a 10 year plan. Yes, I could keep it private but I will share with you an abridged version. Here are the cliff-notes of my 10 Year Plan to become the actor I want to be:
I'm 20.
I'm looking for agents as we speak and have been submitting to as many projects that fit my look as I can. I have been getting some bites here and there but due to my location, they all fell threw. So I understand that in order to establish my career as a successful actor I will have to make the move to either matter how terrifying that notion is.
By 21/22 I want to have been an extra in a variety of movies/television and or booked a commercial, pilot or independent film (on any level)
-I want to also have gotten an agent.
-I want to have moved to Los Angeles or New York City by this time.
-Ideally I would love to study at USC while working in L.A. (depending if I get in...crossing fingers). Although, if that does not happen, I will most likely return to school and finish my degree and postpone L.A. or NYC.
-Take classes at Second City or The Groundlings (depending on the city I find myself in).
By 24 I want to have been in a short or feature film on any scale (non union or union)
-I also want to join SAG, AFTRA or AEA by then.
By 26 I want to have booked a television show, pilot or stage show
-Supporting or Lead
By 28, I want to have had ample experience in both straight theatre/musical theatre/film/television.
By 30 I want to establish a name for myself in Los Angeles or New York, or both.
-I want to be a lead in a feature film (SAG)
-I want to dabble in writing at this point (think Tina Fey).
-Want to be on SNL (if it still exists).
Once again this is an incredibly abridged version. On the map of my future, these are all check points that I hope to come to. I can't exactly detail how I am going to go from point to point, since luck and random elements have such substantial roles in this business. Either way, talking about it makes me excited but scared...scared because I know my life will change quite a bit when I stop talking and actually start doing things.
On another note, my run today was not as pleasant as I thought it would be. The wind was not warm like yesterday's and it raped my body...the prairie dogs were not as jubilant. They were fat and scary.