NOOOOO Allison totally should have won! I guess I just outed myself as an ANTM fan. From the first moment I saw this quirky yet sultry lady I knew she would make it to at least the top three. This Luna Lovegood look alike (Harry Potter reference) is so damn cute. I would truly like to sit down with her over lunch...discuss life...maybe have her draw me a couple works of art. She is an artist you know! And she is from one of my favorite cities in the United States of America...New Orleans...or Nawlins...as I like to call it. I think the best thing about her is the fact that she seems so down to earth and quiet...which I really like. Yet she can still bust out an awesome photo. SO Allison, if you somehow can manage to read this entry...lets set up a lunch date or something! I will fly to wherever...now I'm sounding desperate. But seriously...with your modeling skills and artistic skills and my acting slash model potential we will rule Hollywood...and maybe the world!
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