Wow. Time goes by when you are having fun doesn't it? Or when you aren't having fun too...time just flies. Period. Minutes pass into hours and so on and life goes on. God knows the last time I wrote a blog entry. So much has happened since then and now I find myself further along on this crazy journey.
In a place like California, the weather is always relatively warm but lately it has been PERFECT. I am enjoying spring but can feel summer dancing in the skies. I have been incredibly busy. Within the semester and a half that I have been at USC I have managed to be in three consecutive shows--each an experience in its appears to me it just seems to get better with each show, as do my performances I think. I learn the most as an actor from being in a show. The last show I was in "Grapes of Wrath" was a beautiful ensemble piece directed by an amazing director, Stephanie Shroyer and it had an amazing cast. It was one of those experiences in the theatre that was religious. Not to mention I bonded with my cast-mates and even got the chance to perform in front of THE powerhouse acting couple: Felicity Huffman and William H. Macy--and they gave a standing ovation (it was out of a dream). To have actors of that caliber stand for a performance is amazing.
Another exciting step I am currently taking is working on signing with a commercial agent. I sent many submissions online of my headshot and resume and got a bite from a nice sized boutique agency in Studio City. I must admit, getting that phone call from them was one of the highlights of my life thus far. It was just instant validation: someone has faith in me and finds me marketable as an actor or client. I had my first meeting and had no idea what to expect except from what I had already been warned and told from fellow friends and actors who have agents. They were very friendly...a little intimidating but friendly nonetheless. I mean the office is a couple doors down from GLEE casting. It felt relatively good. I spoke with the two receptionists for fifteen minutes and they were wonderful. Then I met with the commercial agent herself, Annie and she was yes intimidating a bit but very forward and all around nice to be around. We spoke of so many elements of what goes into being represented and unions and SAG and all of that jazz. It was enlightening. Perhaps the most enlightening part was when she blatantly said, "I am going to be honest with you...I hate your headshots...HATE THEM". Now this may seem extreme but I had been warned an agent would say that, but she was extremely friendly in referring me to still slightly expensive but sort of reasonable photographers that could take headshots that captured my essence and showed the real me. Apparently I look far better in person then my pictures...she said I could do better. I thought my photos were just fine and enjoyed taking them but I suppose they aren't completely professional. So although I felt a little bit discouraged, in the end she asked if I could come back and do a monologue for her and the head of the theatrical division. I was wasn't a least not yet. They wouldn't carry on business with me if they weren't interested. So they are interested. Which is really cool. I am going back on April 7th to come in and do a monologue for them. I was supposed to go in last week but had the devil's sickness (and apparently liver issues?!) so I had to reschedule, but even then they were extremely inviting and sympathetic (at least the receptionists). The only thing is now I have to somehow come up with the 300 hundred something dollars it costs to take new headshots...which is stressing me out.
Basically I need to make money. Now that I am not in a show anymore I am going to use this time to either search for employment somewhere or find some quick way to make money (no prostitution is not a resort for me...yet). Since school is winding down with a little more then a month left...everything seems to be happening again and I couldn't even begin to think how stressed I would be if I were in a show right now. I am going to be in the studio audience for Jimmy Kimmel live two times within the upcoming weeks (once on Thursday with Carey Mulligan and a couple weeks later with Zoe Saldana...I think that is how you spell her name...Avatar and Center Stage lady). So that should be fun. After doing so much theatre and acting for such a long period of time, it is nice to have a little break from that world so I can see the real world and refresh myself as an actor but even more importantly, a human being and an artist.

I went to Hawaii for Spring Break since we won a free trip basically to Maui from The Grove shopping center in L.A. Our room was sea side and beautiful and we didn't have to pay for parking, rental car, flight or lodging. Just our expenses when we were there. Within the five days and six nights that I was there I did many things I have never done before and am proud to say I now have done them. I basically felt like I was on LOST and in Avatar/Pandora for five days, six nights. It was glorious. Oh and did I say I chilled with some hippies on a nude beach with drum circles. Yes...that happened.
So much more stuff has happened since my last blog that it is difficult to sum it all up into another entry without at least forgetting some important statistics...which I am bound to do. Now I find myself questioning what to do for summer. I am so confused. I thought I was going to stay in L.A. for the summer and attempt to find a real day job or internship and audition, etc...especially if I end up signing with this agent. I might have to end up staying here if I do end up signing if Annie is going to be sending me out on auditions during the summer...I dunno...I'll have to work it out because I am just so ridiculously homesick right now. My family came out to see me for the first time in a collegiate level show. URINETOWN. They loved it and it happened to fall on my birthday weekend...only problem was that I was sick during it and their trip...they didn't mind, they loved California, especially my dad. Yeah that is right I spent my 21st birthday not at rehearsal or at a bar or club but IN MY PARENT's HOTEL BED. Whatever, 21st birthdays aren't ever as cool as they seem. The point is...I won't see my parents for eight months if I don't go home over the summer. And I have a feeling once I stay there for two weeks I would want to stay longer and it would be really hard to leave home.
PLUS depending on the status of my Ben and Jerry's job in FoCo that could be a deal breaker. I have worked there for the past two summers/years and would love to return there because I would be home and making money. The only thing I am concerned about at this point is that if I tell Annie I am thinking of going to Colorado for the summer that she won't sign me as a client. I don't know. I worry too much. And too often. The great thing is that these are great problems to worry about. I just have to take it one step at a time (you know like that horrid Jordin Sparks song).